A Potent, Protective & Caring treatment for Udder, Uterus inflammation and Retention of Placenta
- CARE-U2 is a powder formulation blend with multi factors Probiotics, Trace minerals, Proteolytic Enzymes, key Vitamins, Antioxidants which is required as a feed supplement for Bovine animals during the incidence of,
- Mastitis /sub clinical mastitis (Inflammation of Udder) occurs when udder comes in contact with pathogens where animal is housed or settled. It remains subclinical because the infection is not expressed without any local inflammation but slowly develops the signs with redness and swelling of udder and putting the animal to stress.
- Metritis (Inflammation of Uterus) occurs generally during first week after calving. The infection spreads to all the layers of uterus and the signs are expressed by health disorders. In both the above cases the animal will show poor appetite, low milk yield, thin milk and also lethargic attitude. Fever may also be present which can be checked by rectal temperature.
- Retention of Placenta in Post-partum periods is one of the common conditions prevailing with the animal where there is failure to expel placenta naturally and hence prevention and control becomes a challenge for its re occurrence without affecting its fertility pattern.
In order to combat the above conditions the CARE-U2 powder has taken birth which is a holistic approach to control the condition with nutritional management strategies, high energy protein diet to overcome the negative energy balance and immunity modulation.